The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby CrawfishBucket » Tue Jun 06, 2017 5:02 pm

Xavier4036 wrote:
stever20 wrote:The problem is that you guys bring up the AAC all the time your self. Look at this thread. Who started it? Xudash. I don't start stuff talking about the AAC. But if someone starts a thread talking about the AAC, what am I supposed to do, just ignore it?


You are a self-proclaimed Georgetown and Big East fan. Absolutely ignore any AAC talk.

The only reason the AAC is ever even mentioned on here, is because of you. The AAC has nothing to do with the Big East.

The AAC sucks. It gets 2-3 teams in the tournament every year. It was very little to no effect on the Big East. The Big East is an annual Top 3 conference in the nation. No one here cares or wants to talk about a mid-level conference like the AAC other than you.

Some of us follow all the conferences, Xavier fan. By the way, your baseball coach is defecting to the AAC...

The AAC was always a build from the beginning. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that they've hired well... and their main struggles last year were brought on by thin rosters (due to coaching transitions)... Understanding what's going on there doesn't make me or anyone else anti-BE.

This year more of those teams will have full benches, and they'll also be adding a Top 5 preseason team. It's foolish to judge next year by last year. That conference decided to build a basketball league rather than draft one. I can respect that.

I'm happy they didn't take VCU from the A10. If I have any agenda at all, it's keeping the VCU's out of the gyms at the UConns, Cincinnatis, Memphises, Wichitas, etc.

The NBE and AAC clearly have different focuses. The AAC is geared towards competing with the major football conferences in every sport. The NBE is MBB only. In the future, it'll be interesting to see what approach worked out best. I wish the NBE had invested more in building infrastructure in all the ports.
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)



Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby jaxalum » Wed Jun 07, 2017 4:37 am

stever20 wrote:Went to Alabama for a year but then came back to NOVA. Graduated from there- then got a job.

Graduated HS in 89- had season tickets my senior year in HS to Georgetown. The year with Mourning and Mutumbo both as frosh. Had a friend whose dad worked at Georgetown. HS year had to do a research project for government class, and managed to do it on Prop 48. He helped me with a lot of info...

Don't have any kids, but coach with a girls basketball program- have done so for about 15 years now. Had like 13 games this weekend. Started with girls basketball back when I was in high school. Was in a computer class, got caught playing a game in there, and the teacher(good old Mr Windt) had me help the girls coach with the stats that they had. Went to a game over the holidays and fell in love with the girls game. Did their stats for a while after that- until I started coaching.

Used to be a huge sports fan- but now it's really just basketball and baseball(for those on the CSN board, go to the pro sports thread and look at the 2017 MLB thread- of the 616 posts there, I have 216- 2 others are right around 200- Billyjack if you like baseball- and I'm assuming you like Red Sox baseball- you should come post there some- you'll love the banter we have). Football to some degree as well, but I'm always coaching basketball on weekends so don't get to watch as much as I used to.

I'm FAR more of a general college fan than I am of just 1 conference. I'm more of a numbers guy than I am an emotional guy(I know you guys are just shocked there). When I was pressed on the CSN board years ago who I was a fan of, I chose Georgetown because of my younger days, and also the fact that I never really liked ACC basketball(Maryland/Virginia).

AS far as the AAC- I feel like they are a lot closer than you think. I think while the BE has been greater than the sum of their parts, the AAC has dramatically underachieved. Eventually I think that evens out for them. I think the AAC getting Wichita is far bigger than folks here want to give credit for. I think we're going to see how much the round robin changes things(or lack thereof).

Any other questions?

Yes, I have a question. You were just given a chance for a clean slate, to garner some respect, to be taken seriously, and to have your posts read without the reader questioning your motives or whether you are pushing an agenda.........and you took that opportunity and FUCKED IT til kingdom come while you were taking a gargantuan SHIT on it.

-You graduated from Villanova/(You said NOVA=Villanova, right), yet never talk about them. I mean it's not like they haven't won the League Championship every year, and that other innocuous little tournament...not the NIT...Oh yeah, The NCAA f---ing NATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP.

-You never talk about the Hoyas, your "favorite team". Usually one's favorite team is their alma mater.....why not NOVA????

-Where's your connection to the AAC? You fucked yourself/outed yourself when, in a post in which you were going to be truthful for once, the last third of your post is defending the f---ing AAC AGAIN. I can't even name every team in that conference, and don't really care too.

-****STEVER- Perhaps if you answer these related questions all is not lost;*******

What is the "skin" you have in the AAC?
Why are you constantly justifying, comparing and defending the AAC? Why at the expense of the BIg East?
What's your connection to the AAC? (There is one and every member on this board knows it, so just be truthful and specific)


Stever, the people on the board see you as a data dumper with an agenda and no integrity. You claim to be a Hoyas fan and a graduate of Nova and almost EXCLUSIVELY talk about the AAC. For fucksake Stever, we are trying to understand and get along and accept you, yet you continue this ridiculous charade that is annoying, and at times pisses people off to no end. If you came out and said, I went to this AAC school and that's why I defend the conference so vehemently, we'd be totally cool with that, as we would understand why you are the way you are. No judgment from anyone. This will go two ways...1)don't pull that same BS you did up top....come clean 2) You will become completely irrelevant, and no one will read your threads. It's your call. Make the rigth one.
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby Xavier4036 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:28 am

CrawfishBucket wrote:
The NBE and AAC clearly have different focuses. The AAC is geared towards competing with the major football conferences in every sport.

Unfortunately for the American Athletic, they aren't doing too well in men's basketball (one of the 2 sports that matter).

To their credit, they are having pretty good football results for a mid-major football conference.
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby Xavier4036 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:34 am

CrawfishBucket wrote:
Xavier4036 wrote:
stever20 wrote:The problem is that you guys bring up the AAC all the time your self. Look at this thread. Who started it? Xudash. I don't start stuff talking about the AAC. But if someone starts a thread talking about the AAC, what am I supposed to do, just ignore it?


You are a self-proclaimed Georgetown and Big East fan. Absolutely ignore any AAC talk.

The only reason the AAC is ever even mentioned on here, is because of you. The AAC has nothing to do with the Big East.

The AAC sucks. It gets 2-3 teams in the tournament every year. It was very little to no effect on the Big East. The Big East is an annual Top 3 conference in the nation. No one here cares or wants to talk about a mid-level conference like the AAC other than you.

Some of us follow all the conferences, Xavier fan. By the way, your baseball coach is defecting to the AAC...

The AAC was always a build from the beginning. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that they've hired well... and their main struggles last year were brought on by thin rosters (due to coaching transitions)... Understanding what's going on there doesn't make me or anyone else anti-BE.

This year more of those teams will have full benches, and they'll also be adding a Top 5 preseason team. It's foolish to judge next year by last year. That conference decided to build a basketball league rather than draft one. I can respect that.

I'm happy they didn't take VCU from the A10. If I have any agenda at all, it's keeping the VCU's out of the gyms at the UConns, Cincinnatis, Memphises, Wichitas, etc.

The NBE and AAC clearly have different focuses. The AAC is geared towards competing with the major football conferences in every sport. The NBE is MBB only. In the future, it'll be interesting to see what approach worked out best. I wish the NBE had invested more in building infrastructure in all the ports.

What is the obsession of Georgetown fans with the American Athletic?

Again, the only reason the American Athletic is ever discussed here is because of Villanova grad and Georgetown fan Stever, and Georgetown fan Crawfishbucket.

The American Athletic has very little to no effect on the Big East. The Big East rarely plays American Athletic Teams.

And the American has sucked in men's basketball. They get 2 or 3 teams in the tournament. Maybe the 7th or 8th best conference in men's basketball. The Big East is an annual Top 3 conference and gets up to 7 teams or 70% of our conference in the tournament.

No one here (or really nationally) cares about the American Athletic. You are a Big East fan. Why do you keep talking about it?
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby Burrito » Wed Jun 07, 2017 7:55 am

AAC football has been better than AAC basketball the past few seasons. But their football coaches (who have any success) immediately get poached by P5 programs. Over the past two years, Memphis, Houston, Temple and South Florida have lost their coaches to P5 jobs. UConn and Cincinnati fired their coaches recently too. It's like Musical Chairs over there.
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby stever20 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 8:35 am

Sorry- NOVA for me here in Northern Virginia is Northern Virginia Community College. Not Villanova(though totally understand what you thought)....

As far as the Big East rarely playing AAC teams- that's not true. By my count, there were 7 AAC/Big East games last year- BE going 5-2. That's quite a bit. Guaranteed to have 2 games every year with Nova/Temple and Cincy/Xavier. There are 4 tournaments scheduled where there's both an AAC and Big East team. in one of the ones where the bracket is known, Georgetown and UConn could see each other the 2nd day. So to say they rarely play each other is pretty comical.

Also- you are absolutely delusional if you think the AAC is only maybe the 7th or 8th best conference. IT is absolute worst case now 7th best conference. And they were getting 2-3 teams in(actually had 4 in 2016)- and that's without Wichita. A conference with 3-5 tourney teams is not a bad conference. Right now there are 7 top conferences. Then a huge drop off to the A10.
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby GumbyDamnit! » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:16 am

stever20 wrote:
Also- you are absolutely delusional if you think the AAC is only maybe the 7th or 8th best conference. IT is absolute worst case now 7th best conference. And they were getting 2-3 teams in(actually had 4 in 2016)- and that's without Wichita. A conference with 3-5 tourney teams is not a bad conference. Right now there are 7 top conferences.

Stever, not wanting to pile on here but...why is someone "delusional" for suggesting the AAC is the 7th or 8th best conference then admitting that they are now 7th best. Isn't that the same?

Second, prior to Nova's NC you blasted the BE for lack of March success but now give the AAC a pass and focus on other metrics? In your opinion, has the AAC done enough in March the last few years to warrant being considered an elite conference?
Go Nova!
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby stever20 » Wed Jun 07, 2017 10:36 am

GumbyDamnit! wrote:
stever20 wrote:
Also- you are absolutely delusional if you think the AAC is only maybe the 7th or 8th best conference. IT is absolute worst case now 7th best conference. And they were getting 2-3 teams in(actually had 4 in 2016)- and that's without Wichita. A conference with 3-5 tourney teams is not a bad conference. Right now there are 7 top conferences.

Stever, not wanting to pile on here but...why is someone "delusional" for suggesting the AAC is the 7th or 8th best conference then admitting that they are now 7th best. Isn't that the same?

Second, prior to Nova's NC you blasted the BE for lack of March success but now give the AAC a pass and focus on other metrics? In your opinion, has the AAC done enough in March the last few years to warrant being considered an elite conference?

He's saying they're only maybe the 7th or 8th best conference. Means he maybe doesn't even consider them the 7th or 8th best. So no it's not the same by any stretch. Also, I'm saying they're now worst case 7th best. There will be years where they aren't 7th but 6th or even 5th.....

With Wichita and UConn they have 2 teams that made the final 4 in the last 5 years. Only the ACC, Big Ten, and SEC have more teams in their current conferences that made the final 4 than the AAC has. Wichita is a huge addition for their conference. They have had good postseason success recently. And that's despite getting underseeded quite a bit. They make a huge difference- far more than you want to admit.
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby XtoDC » Wed Jun 07, 2017 11:40 am

Yeah, for everyone not familiar with the DC area, Northern Virginia is always called NOVA. It was confusing for a minute when I first moved to the area but everyone in the Mid Atlantic region refers to the Virginia area around DC as NOVA.
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Re: The AAAAAAAC and Advanced Marketing (or Self-Kidding)

Postby GumbyDamnit! » Wed Jun 07, 2017 5:07 pm

stever20 wrote:
GumbyDamnit! wrote:
stever20 wrote:
Also- you are absolutely delusional if you think the AAC is only maybe the 7th or 8th best conference. IT is absolute worst case now 7th best conference. And they were getting 2-3 teams in(actually had 4 in 2016)- and that's without Wichita. A conference with 3-5 tourney teams is not a bad conference. Right now there are 7 top conferences.

Stever, not wanting to pile on here but...why is someone "delusional" for suggesting the AAC is the 7th or 8th best conference then admitting that they are now 7th best. Isn't that the same?

Second, prior to Nova's NC you blasted the BE for lack of March success but now give the AAC a pass and focus on other metrics? In your opinion, has the AAC done enough in March the last few years to warrant being considered an elite conference?

He's saying they're only maybe the 7th or 8th best conference. Means he maybe doesn't even consider them the 7th or 8th best. So no it's not the same by any stretch. Also, I'm saying they're now worst case 7th best. There will be years where they aren't 7th but 6th or even 5th.....

With Wichita and UConn they have 2 teams that made the final 4 in the last 5 years. Only the ACC, Big Ten, and SEC have more teams in their current conferences that made the final 4 than the AAC has. Wichita is a huge addition for their conference. They have had good postseason success recently. And that's despite getting underseeded quite a bit. They make a huge difference- far more than you want to admit.

Ok. Now some facts... if you take an conf RPI average of the last 4 years, the American is squarely the 8th best conf. There is no debate. AAC=7,8,8,8. A10=8,7,6,7. So how you come up with them being possibly 5th is a huge stretch. They need to focus on being 7 first.

Secondly should the BE take credit for Butler's FFs? Of course not. So why are you attributing Wich St's FF to the AAC?
Go Nova!
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