by cu blujs » Tue Jan 31, 2017 9:34 am
IMO, he should come back to X at this point. Even if he gets surgery by March 15, six months is September 15 - and frankly the chances of him being fully back by then are slim. Six months is typically the bare minimum to be released for play, and he would leave himself very vulnerable to a re-tear if he tries to play at a professional level before he has fully strengthened the leg and established equilibrium in the strength of both legs and hips. By that point, his chances of making an opening day roster would seem to be slim. No team is going to use a first round pick on him, and a second round pick or free agency means no guaranteed contract. He could play in Europe or D-league for a while and hope to catch on an NBA team at some point. But, to me (and its just my opinion) unless he simply has no interest in school, it seems to me that it would be in his best interest to go back to X, rehab, make sure the knee is fully healed and he has fully strengthened his leg muscles again, use next school year to get his game back and then enter the draft, instead of having the pressure to try to make a professional team while he is still (or should be still) concentrating on full rehab of his knee.