Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby gtmoBlue » Sun Apr 26, 2015 2:52 pm

Well. I didn't realize VCU had Championships in their prior conference (whichever conference that was -Colonial or Patriot League). Why did Xer exclude them on his little list? So all but Zags, VCU, and Duke ruled out.
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015



Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby UD FAN » Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:00 pm

Xer4ever wrote:RD, i'll say this, I think you are a fair representation of your school. Your comment about wanting schools that are good ooc, but not good in conference is the exact kind of looser mentality that exists in the A 10. We have a Champions mentality in the BE. The Presidents knew what they were doing when then added 3 and only 3 schools. Beside the beauty of round robin conference play, there were only 3 schools that fit the criteria. That hasn't changed and doesn't appear to be changing anytime soon.

Xer, I've been to the Cintas many, many times! Some of my best friends are X fans! Based upon my experience, I can attest to the FACT that you, jax and a couple other X posters on this forum ARE NOT any more typical of the Xavier fans I know (THANK GOD)--------than is RD "typical" of the THOUSANDS of UD FANS I know!

I admire your constant and daily effort to paint with a broad brush-------but as you would know if you would read this entire thread, it's clear that you and several of your fellow X fanatics "schtick" about UD and it's fans has fallin' on deaf ears! Give or take a couple posters!

Carry on.......:)
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby Xer4ever » Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:09 pm

The Domers are Champions because...well, they're Domers. But as for the other schools mentioned, that's what I meant by the Presidents knowing what they are doing. I really believe if they felt there were other "like" Universities that made The League a better league, we'd already be at more than 10.
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby Hoopfan » Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:42 pm

Might as well kick out St. John's, seton hall, and DePaul for not winning championships and helping the league too. With all the talk of adding schools making BE mid major the whole league is mid major if you don't win in the NCAA tournament. Saying that these teams makes BE mid major shows that BE needs big names to help bring them up to P5 level. Small private universities just do to have the alumni that makes mediocre P5 schools have big followings which gives them perception of being "good".

Dont give me B12 didnt do anything this year. Whens the last time any team from the BE won Ncaa tournament (been longer than B12)? Butler made the championship games twice but that was2010-2011 and really havnt done anything since. BE needs teams who will make tournament and win games
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby _lh » Sun Apr 26, 2015 4:30 pm

Xer4ever wrote:RD, i'll say this, I think you are a fair representation of your school. Your comment about wanting schools that are good ooc, but not good in conference is the exact kind of looser mentality that exists in the A 10. We have a Champions mentality in the BE. The Presidents knew what they were doing when then added 3 and only 3 schools. Beside the beauty of round robin conference play, there were only 3 schools that fit the criteria. That hasn't changed and doesn't appear to be changing anytime soon.

Very true. SLU/UD/Richmond/VCU bring very little and there is no reason to add any of them.
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby Xudash » Sun Apr 26, 2015 5:49 pm

TBC Alum wrote:Out of sheer morbid curiosity I click on this thread. Why do I do it?

Very rarely (and with very weak arguments) do I ever see anyone address the obvious question - why would we even expand at this point?

We have UD fans making insulting comments about the Big East needing to expand.

We have UD fans insulting some of our current members - St. Johns, Seton Hall and DePaul - by suggesting that they should be kicked out of the conference.

As for where we actually stand, the Presidents, AD's and Val are focused on building the Big East brand through the Conference's existing 10 schools. They're only two years into the mission on that track - a mission that involves a 12 year media agreement with a deep pockets media partner who will continue to improve its product.

Consider that focus and the strategic advantage of that media agreement - both with respect to amount and duration - with the year the Big East just had and the developments happening in the conference now:

1. Wojo's impact at Marquette - it's stellar recruiting class, in particular.
2. St. John's willingness to remove Lavin, replacing him with a successful Johnnies hero who already is injecting substantial energy into the program.
3. Strong recruiting overall that evidences the continuing appeal of the Big East Conference.

Why would we even expand at this point? There is not one valid reason to pursue expansion at this point. There will be no valid reasons for expanding moving forward assuming positive trajectories for the Big East and FoxSports1.

What would change the Presidents' minds even if positive trajectories are maintained? They would move off their existing strategy If, say, ND was to call, begging for membership. They aren't going to be waiting by their phones for that call. Beyond that, they'll monitor developments on the football side otherwise (i.e. UCONN, etc.). They're at the ten they're with for good reasons.
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby sheg » Sun Apr 26, 2015 6:16 pm

Maybe dash is right, that anything that might happen is either farther than 2-3 years out, our maybe not even on the radar. (But I'd respectfully request you not paint UD fans with a broad brush or imply that all dissenting opinions come from UD fans.)

There are a lot of opinions:

1) No expansion because 10 is perfect

2) no expansion because 10 is perfect and there isn't anybody good enough anyway

3) no expansion because "we only go off of ten if truly huge options become available

4) no expansion right now. Wait and watch (I think this is where the decision makers are right now)

5) expansion fairly soon (2-3 years). More inventory, more good games, more tournament teams, more potential to win tournament games (I'd guess this is close to where Fox is)

6) expansion is probably right to do. Let's figure out who to add.

I suspect the consensus of the people that matter (i.e. not us) is somewhere between 4 and 5, leaning towards 4.

So, you can cross the following off the list:

1) BYU, UConn, Temple, Cincinnati, Memphis (football schools will not happen, in the next few years, anyway)

2) Duke and ND (the two football schools for whom I think an exception would be made). They aren't leaving where they're at any time soon.

3) Wake and Vandy. They aren't willingly jumping their gravy trains anytime soon.

That leaves you with the usual suspects. Now maybe you're in camp 1, 2, or 3 (no expansion or none unless it's a huge get), but the reality is that expansion within 2 or 3 years is a realistic (if not necessarily real) possibility. So you might as well accept reality and consider the possibilities, if you don't want to be blindsided.

Or you can ppetulantly stomp your feet and pretend that if you ignore it, it won't happen.
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby _lh » Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:08 pm

sheg wrote:Maybe dash is right, that anything that might happen is either farther than 2-3 years out, our maybe not even on the radar. (But I'd respectfully request you not paint UD fans with a broad brush or imply that all dissenting opinions come from UD fans.)

There are a lot of opinions:

1) No expansion because 10 is perfect

2) no expansion because 10 is perfect and there isn't anybody good enough anyway

3) no expansion because "we only go off of ten if truly huge options become available

4) no expansion right now. Wait and watch (I think this is where the decision makers are right now)

5) expansion fairly soon (2-3 years). More inventory, more good games, more tournament teams, more potential to win tournament games (I'd guess this is close to where Fox is)

6) expansion is probably right to do. Let's figure out who to add.

I suspect the consensus of the people that matter (i.e. not us) is somewhere between 4 and 5, leaning towards 4.

So, you can cross the following off the list:

1) BYU, UConn, Temple, Cincinnati, Memphis (football schools will not happen, in the next few years, anyway)

2) Duke and ND (the two football schools for whom I think an exception would be made). They aren't leaving where they're at any time soon.

3) Wake and Vandy. They aren't willingly jumping their gravy trains anytime soon.

That leaves you with the usual suspects. Now maybe you're in camp 1, 2, or 3 (no expansion or none unless it's a huge get), but the reality is that expansion within 2 or 3 years is a realistic (if not necessarily real) possibility. So you might as well accept reality and consider the possibilities, if you don't want to be blindsided.

Or you can ppetulantly stomp your feet and pretend that if you ignore it, it won't happen.

2-4 are the only ones that make sense except to fans of teams hoping to get into the BE.
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby Xudash » Sun Apr 26, 2015 7:47 pm

sheg, perhaps you should suggest to some of your friends here that they tone it down a bit. This is a Big East Message Board. Any UD fan that posts here posts as a visitor. There is way too much overselling going on here by UD fans. And any shots taken by UD fans at Xavier fans on a Big East message board probably aren't going to go unchallenged.


Hi chestrockwell, since sienna and st Bonnie's are a no go....what about Fordham? New coach, NYC, private, no football

I know if it was up to you [u]we'd add [/u]UNC, Duke, Kentucky, Arizona, and Kansas.

Never been in and never plan to visit fordhams gym but i think you missed the sarcasm in my post. I've already said I'm a dayton fan previously and i wish Fordham wasnt in A10. Whether any of us think BE should expand eventually or has to happen so who is the most viable candidates is all this thread can, and is, discussing.

If I were to visit the A10 board or UDPRIDE, I would not include myself among the members. Pretty presumptuous if you ask me. He certainly can't speak on behalf of an existing Big East member.

Might as well kick out St. John's, seton hall, and DePaul for not winning championships and helping the league too.

A UD fan - granted still the same one - suggesting that existing conference members be kicked out of the Conference.

Speaking of UD FAN: I admire your constant and daily effort to paint with a broad brush-------[i]but as you would know if you would read this entire thread, it's clear that you and several of your fellow X fanatics "schtick" about UD and it's fans has fallin' on deaf ears! Give or take a couple posters! [/i]

Regardless of the fact that the term ANNOYING is popping up in association with UD fans here on an increasing basis, making his deaf ears comment humorous, I otherwise see another example of a UD fan taking shots at Xavier fans.

You do a fine job of being respectful. You do a fine job of presenting cogent arguments, or points. But you're in the minority in this area. Are all UD fans bad? Of course not. But some of your associates - we'll go with that term - shouldn't be making comments while pretending to be fans of Big East member schools, or get too put out when they make comments that end up as fair game for existing Big East member fans.

Otherwise, I'm not stomping my feet over any of this. It's my understanding that the Presidents are essentially parked on your #4. But I again offer you a slightly different way to look at it. They aren't focused on expansion because they want to build the brand as it exists - as it was brought into existence with the C7 + Xavier, Butler and Creighton. It's not about "let's put expansion on the backburner now, because were focused over here"; it's about we're focused on building upon what we've put in place, period. On that note, from where I sit - and I'm fine if you accept it or ignore it - #5 isn't on the radar right now.

Can things change? Of course they can change; we're in a rather dynamic time here when it comes to the business of collegiate sports, and the stakes seem to keep getting higher by the year.

If the positive trajectories of the Big East Conference and Fox prove to be insufficient by their definition, then I suspect everyone associated with the Big East, including me, will watch and support their efforts to adjust, including expanding the conference in the best way possible should it come to that.

Beyond that, I could not begin to absolutely project which schools may or may not be expansion candidates at this point. They're not at 12 now for their very good reasons. It truly is that simple.
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Re: Conference realignment discussion - v. 2015

Postby Hoopfan » Sun Apr 26, 2015 10:41 pm

Do you really think Fordham would be added? Current schools kicked out? Everything in this thread is speculation and peoples opinions. I would bet the house and then some that those never happen. We've discussed the same topic in circles for a couple years now. I've never said anything negative about X...and you can go back and research that. UD fan or not this entire thread is a what if and based on what people have posted are must haves you fail to realize that some current members dont even meet those standards. But it is what it is. I'll let you go back to hating UD since im just a guest on the internet
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