by pinkfloyd5709 » Sun Mar 22, 2015 1:04 am
Does anyone here know why teams like Kentucky, Duke, Louisville ect, have more than one championship and numerous final fours? It is called passion, FAN passion. That's what gets championships. When a teams fans are passionate not passavas schools will spend the money to try to better that program , maybe not in every situation, but a school like Georgetown I think would fall in that category To spend the money to have a once rich tradition brought back from the dead. I like JT3,but he's not getting it done. Hell I don't know if I've ever seen him be passionate himself on the sidelines. Look at Calipari, Pitino, those guys are jumping, directing,yelling all I see JT3 doing is having that long face lost look. Even his dad was very passionate. I'm also not here to make enemies or hurt feelings, but as a huge Hoyas fan since 1982 it's getting real old year in and year out the same outcome. If you keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results your insane. No matter what happens I'll always love the Hoyas and I'll always be passionate for that team to win. Peace to all and WE ARE GEORGETOWN! !!!