X, B, and UD next season??

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Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby NYC Flyer 01 » Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:09 am

Adding Dayton to the Big East makes no sense, but adding a school in Nebraska does?
I totally understand that a large geographical footprint makes sense, but when the only revenue producer for these schools is Men's Basketball, how does it make any sense for anyone to send all of their other programs to Omaha?
I am obviously biased, but Dayton has a huge alumni presence in all of Ohio, Chicago, St. Louis, Milwaukee, Pennsylvania and a pretty respectable one throughout the Northeast. I grew up outside of Chicago and lived there for 6 years after college. I have met one Creighton alumnus and that is because he went to my high school and played baseball for the Blue Jays.
Marquette fans will be butthurt over a UD addition because they know UD has a better basketball brand. We will take over the Bradley Center once a year, will make up about 90% of the fans at DePaul/Dayton games at Allstate and will make more noise at MSG than every school except maybe Georgetown and Villanova. Are Georgetown fans even alumni?
PS: I hope that our friends from Xavier understood the abbreviations, I know initials can be confusing when your parents are siblings.
NYC Flyer 01

Re: X, B, and UD next season??



Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby BillEsq » Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:11 am

X- Marks the Top wrote:I understand that dayton is closer than creighton and St. Louis. That is a benefit. Yes I agree you guys manage to somehow sell out your arena which is pretty crazy given your history as of late but is a very good thing. On the other hand will teams from the big 7 sell out their arenas when the dayton flyers come to town? I'm not seeing it. How many tournaments has dayton been two in the last ten years? Tourney wins? Not trying to knock your program here just trying to unravel the facts. Also I am a X fan but not your typical,"I hate dayton attitude". Creighton, the last ten years has better success than I guess dayton and St. Louis. I guess it has a brand name in college basketball, it reminds me more of everyone saying Cinderella around their name. I'm not overly impressed with creighton, especially the location. The billikens I like a lot, because the city and because I thought they were on the rise. Looking at it now, they lost majerus, now have crews I think, he is very in impressive in almost every department. Not trying to belittle anyone here even though it may sound like I am, but the likes of xavier and butler blend in very well with the likes of Georgetown, Marquette, and Villanova. I guess you could say they are more than just a drop in the bucket. McDermott leaves what then? St. Louis loses plenty of talent this year, and probably ends their two year tourney run. So with that said, I would have to say dayton maybe the best fit. They all pretty much bring the exact same thing. Dayton is just closer. Plus I would still like to beat up on dayton every year. Jimmy carter baby. But do I think dayton deserves it? Absolutely not.

X - You are wrong on both accounts first Dayton fans will help the attendance at other places because they travel. Like them or not where ever Dayton Goes the sweater vest wearing throngs go. And i'm not sure why you got into the St. Louis tirade but SLU is only loosing 3 players out of a 10 man rotation, and SLU has their replacements set for next year. I understand that "some" X fans have this "thing" against Dayton but blasting other teams with faulty facts is not going to convince anyone of anything. Plus it makes X fans look bad.
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Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby Dew » Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:13 am

I'm not saying Dayton isn't a good program. I just think they are a second level program in their own conference. I want the best of the MVC and A10.
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Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby podcast411 » Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:16 am

X- Marks the Top wrote:I understand that dayton is closer than creighton and St. Louis. That is a benefit. Yes I agree you guys manage to somehow sell out your arena which is pretty crazy given your history as of late but is a very good thing. On the other hand will teams from the big 7 sell out their arenas when the dayton flyers come to town? I'm not seeing it.

Dayton has a large number of Alum on the East coast - at the GW game at GW to end the season there were just as many UD fans in the stands as there were GW fans. It was actually distracting to listen to on the radio - as you could not tell when there was a cheer if UD made or missed a basket.

We will help you sell tickets by going to your arenas and buying tickets. UD travels as well as any team in the nation. It is something you start doing at UD as an undergrad. Road trips to away games were common place (at least in the mid 80's). Nothing like going to an away town and finding a new bar to raise a cup to a Flyer Victory or two to a loss.
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Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby Ten » Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:48 am

I am not sure what dayton adds from a geographic and basketball standpoint. Is there a need for two teams from Ohio? For a league called the big east, it makes sense to add a team on the east coast that is one of the reasons richmond makes sense. I just see no way that dayton becomes an upper half team in a conference with georgetown, Marquette, Villanova, butler, and improving Saint John and providence teams.

Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby CFA Jay » Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:51 am

Ten wrote:I am not sure what dayton adds from a geographic and basketball standpoint. Is there a need for two teams from Ohio? For a league called the big east, it makes sense to add a team on the east coast that is one of the reasons richmond makes sense. I just see no way that dayton becomes an upper half team in a conference with georgetown, Marquette, Villanova, butler, and improving Saint John and providence teams.

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Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby Flyer01 » Wed Mar 13, 2013 10:55 am

Any argument that starts with how good the Flyers probably needs to relax a little. Brian Gregory did a pretty good job of giving back all the gains that Oliver Purnell made during his tenure in the late 90's-early 00's. Over the last decade Gregory basically had the team in a slow decline for the first 8 years and Archie Miller is dealing with the remnant of a team that he destroyed with 7 of his last 8 recruits no longer in the program due to suspension, transfer or decommitting.

I think Dayton would be a nice addition to the Big East and with a good coach could definitely be a program that finishes/contends for the upper half of the league on a regular basis. I think Miller might be that guy but who knows, the team doesn't have much talent above the freshman class right now. While current success is a factor it's also important that a school will have the resources and ability to have success at the next level. I think Dayton fits that mold and their ability to have success isn't based on their current coach or one star player. Their current administration has shown a focus on improving the athletic programs unfortunately they missed on the hiring of Brian Gregory (see his work at Georgia Tech). Flyer fans do travel very well, probably atleast as well as any current C7 team. But before any one gets carried away this isn't like Cuse fans invading the Garden.

But right now there are strengths and weaknesses that each team has. Some are better than others (See Marquette Board of Trustees). Personally I think all of the possible additions have the ability to thrive in the new league and the opportunities it will provide. But obviously that won't be the case for everyone since there has to be a team that finishes last. But dumping on the teams that are part of the C7 accomplishes nothing. It makes you look like a whining crybaby and no one likes that.

UDEarl - You may want to cool it on how great the Flyers are.
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Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby Bostonspider » Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:00 am

Dayton has 100,000 alums, how many are on the east coast? I ask because a small school like Richmond has 4,000 alums in NYC area, 2,000 in Philly, 4,000 in DC, 1,000 in Boston and 1,500 in Baltimore. Though only about 500 in Chicago, 150 in Cincy, and I would not guess a lot in Milwaukee. There are of course 12,000 or so in greater Richmond. So as you can see UR's alumns are clustered near to many of the current BE schools, which could help with attendance as well.
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Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby sandw04 » Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:03 am

Yet another contradictory newspaper article. I am not saying the NY Post is incorrect, but why are they getting the scoop? Much of the decision will be made by Fox. Again, I'm not disputing the article, but I am questioning why so much belief that it is the final word? Any final decision may or not be made, but I seriously doubt any newspaper "in the know" would be putting exact information out there at this time.

I still believe that Fox wants at least 12 teams for next season.
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Re: X, B, and UD next season??

Postby classof29 » Wed Mar 13, 2013 11:05 am

UD_Earl wrote:
classof29 wrote:
UD_Earl wrote:Creighton is a great program - but think about think about going from Rhode Island to Nebraska. Long trip.

I live in Rhode Island and I would rather go to Nebraska than Dayton. No knock on your program, but hoping Creighton is in first, and Dayton is makes the 11/12 cut.

And where has Providence been? Too funny. You guys crack me up. Most of you go on and on about your high and mighty programs that do very little like Providence. These last two years have been down years. Just go back and look at the last 15 for UD - much better than several of the current BE teams. And.......we actually support our team by going to the games! UD Earl

Providence has been in Rhode Island this entire time - just to answer your question.

Not sure what your issue is, I was just stating my opinion on where I would rather go and which team I would want as #10.

I didn't discuss how good or bad Providence or Dayton was at basketball. But I guess it was a nice rant.
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