Conference Realignment: What Next?

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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby MUBoxer » Thu Feb 23, 2023 11:27 am

So I'm confused, you're saying the donors have already reached in their pockets for NIL and Grants a coach of the future but are still struggling to take over this very weak A10?

Look back when Archie was coaching I was very pro Dayton. I'm not a believer in Grant, if he proves me wrong and you guys put together a bid this year (better win the A10 tournament) and next year then I'll eat my words and probably won't have a bad taste in my mouth about adding you guys (if Gonzaga says no) in the media renegotiation. That all being said every interaction I've ever had with a Dayton fan shows a wildly over inflated view of your basketball tradition in history and we have enough of that with St John's fans.
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?



Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby Cheech » Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:19 pm

So your just poking and you have no detail. He has done an amazing coaching job this year. Anthony was not available to the team this spring and summer. A family tragedy he lost his 21 year old daughter. We went into the year with an open scholarship. We were picked Preseason 21. Both staring guards we’re injured in Bahamas and have played 11 games. Both need surgery but are no where close to being ready. Mali smith our Pt guard could play for Play for any Big East team . So a tough year for Grant and he has rallied them and can still win the conference. The fact that he is coaching this year is something I don’t think I could do. To get the kids he has as you say to play in the A10 is a credit to him and the staff. We would have won the conference easily and still mite….his integrity is without question….something your coach could learn from.
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby Cheech » Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:23 pm

Sorry love Smart…meant for X coach…Grant could be a guide for him.
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby MUBoxer » Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:32 pm

Cheech wrote:So your just poking and you have no detail. He has done an amazing coaching job this year. Anthony was not available to the team this spring and summer. A family tragedy he lost his 21 year old daughter. We went into the year with an open scholarship. We were picked Preseason 21. Both staring guards we’re injured in Bahamas and have played 11 games. Both need surgery but are no where close to being ready. Mali smith our Pt guard could play for Play for any Big East team . So a tough year for Grant and he has rallied them and can still win the conference. The fact that he is coaching this year is something I don’t think I could do. To get the kids he has as you say to play in the A10 is a credit to him and the staff. We would have won the conference easily and still mite….his integrity is without question….something your coach could learn from.

Wasn't trying to poke with my questions, (the other point on over inflated view thing I definitely was and it's definitely true), was genuinely confused because everything you listed was as true now as it would be in the future. Makes more sense with the context and I appreciate it. Though to be fair Pre season means absolutely nothing, ask UNC about that. Again if you show another period of sustained success I'll happily eat my words of not believing in Grant and I'd even support the addition (pending the Zags) but as of now Daytons history alone doesn't do it as it shows too many down periods in a less competitive league.
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby Cheech » Thu Feb 23, 2023 12:48 pm

Ok good discussion….so last 9 years. 2014 to 2018..4 straight NCAA appearances..Final 8 in 2014. won 5 NCAA games in that span. Grant 2019..Number 1 seed ranked Number 2 Nationally. Take the time to see what BIG East schools match up with that the last 9 years. So that’s 5 NCAA wins with out the Covid year. You probably know the answer . Now again …So if your a season ticket holder do this. Shaka coached at Dayton for 2 years as a grad assistant and also worked for Grant at VCU who was the coach that got them on the Map with a win over Duke in the NCAA. Call in or if you see Shaka, ask him about Grant and they say if there is expansion work he consider Dayton a good fit? Call into his show he will answer you. It’s hard to argue Against Dayton with expansion coming and the TV contracts about inventory. Dismissing Dayton with the performance of St John..GT…DePaul and Butler the last 4 years doesn’t make scence . Hell X the last 4 years. If you could get Gonzaga I would tip my hat and say well done! I would understand that.
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby MUBoxer » Thu Feb 23, 2023 1:08 pm

Cheech wrote:Ok good discussion….so last 9 years. 2014 to 2018..4 straight NCAA appearances..Final 8 in 2014. won 5 NCAA games in that span. Grant 2019..Number 1 seed ranked Number 2 Nationally. Take the time to see what BIG East schools match up with that the last 9 years. So that’s 5 NCAA wins with out the Covid year. You probably know the answer . Now again …So if your a season ticket holder do this. Shaka coached at Dayton for 2 years as a grad assistant and also worked for Grant at VCU who was the coach that got them on the Map with a win over Duke in the NCAA. Call in or if you see Shaka, ask him about Grant and they say if there is expansion work he consider Dayton a good fit? Call into his show he will answer you. It’s hard to argue Against Dayton with expansion coming and the TV contracts about inventory. Dismissing Dayton with the performance of St John..GT…DePaul and Butler the last 4 years doesn’t make scence . Hell X the last 4 years. If you could get Gonzaga I would tip my hat and say well done! I would understand that.

Why 9 years? Is it because you set a friendly parameter to shine a nice light? Then we move to 4 years, again trying to sine a nice light. Daytons only recently shown a semblance of stability, I'm not sorry for wanting to see it for a little longer. I've actually defended Daytons recent run to X fans who enjoy $hitting on your program. But CBB is cyclical and a recent run doesnt give you near the prestige that Georgetowns brand carries with 5 final fours and as many HoFers in their history, same with SJU, not even the 80s/late 70s DePaul cache. The difference is ceiling (something that is hilarious to read Dayton views of on UDpride today) if SJU or DePaul or GT hit no 1 you have global cities that attract NBA players, celebrities, thousands of casual fans and national media. If Dayton hits no 1 you have Dayton at number 1 and that's about it. It's a great stretch you guys are having let's see it continue to prove the media market and stability shortcomings then talk.

As far as smart goes, he talks fondly about his time in Dayton, he talks fondly about his time in VCU. That doesn't mean that we should be beating down the door for either. But also MU doesn't do a call in show, they haven't in like 15 years, I imagine his answer would be a long very positive non answer about how much he loved his time at those places and how he trusts the ADs and Val to make the right decision to keep the Big East relevant in the future.
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby Xudash » Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:25 pm

Cheech wrote:The anti Dayton takes is really unfair guys.. especially from the X haters.. Dayton is a perfect fit…so for those of you that don’t know X financially is a bottom feeder. The next moves will be about MONEY and inventory. Here are facts. Endowment..for the X fans that’s the measure of the financial stability of a University. Donars .money for research ..etc. X Endowment is 200 mill… that the worst in the BIg East. Dayton is 780 mil!!!! 4X Xavier. US news and world report rank Dayton 127 and X way back at 167. Dayton home attendance beats X…they can only afford that small building . Dayton fans travel better and offer far more NIL support than X even in though we are in the A10. When Dayton is invited our NIL contribution will make Dayton a formidable team very quickly. X only has basketball, has missed the NCAA4 straight years and hired a cheater to coach them.

I'm going to enjoy this.

You should consider what you post before posting it, since you truly manage to make yourself look like a desperate moron here.

So, Xavier is a bottom feeder financially? Since the turn of the millenium, Xavier's campus has experienced just under a half billion dollars in capital projects. Xavier's endowment passed $200 million a while ago. Last year, in November, a Notre Dame graduate gifted $50 million to the University ( One month later, a Xavier graduate kicked in another $20 million ( ... r-AA15k0Hy). The latter gift is focused on a new sciences building as Xavier prepares to pursue a medical school. Xavier was historically late to the fundraising party, but that changed when Father Hoff came over in the 90's from Creighton and reached out to his friends in South Bend about how to put together a strong development group. Xavier now is doing just fine in the fundraising department, sorry. On that note, VD had better have a larger gross endowment than Xavier, since VD's undergraduate enrollment is almost double that of X.

BTW, our membership in the Big East has provided extraordinary benefits in terms of development and recruitment. Cincinnati is en fuego when it comes to cities that are highly ranked in all the key categories. And your obsession with rankings is almost comical, given that Xavier and UD compete for the same students constantly. I'll leave it there, because I don't think you could handle what's up with X's strategic plan. You really don't want to go down this road any longer, since you already come off looking stupid and desperate here.

That "small building" boat races UDump Arena. UDump Arena was built in 1969. VD put lipstick on a pig. The Cintas Center blows VD Arena away. But nice try.

Coming on this site and calling Sean Miller a cheater probably isn't a good idea. Among other due diligence activities, our AD happened to serve on the NCAA Infractions Committee and had "full access to all the files" when all this was transpiring. I'm not going to waste my time defending Sean Miller to the likes of you. I'm just going to enjoy the fact that Sean has come home to Xavier, providing us and the Big East with one of the top coaches in the nation, while knowing that VD has a failing retread in the saddle, which is as it mostly has been and should be.

So, where does that leave Dayton in all this, in terms of it being a viable candidate for inclusion in the Big East? We can only offer opinions, while attempting to do so using logic and known facts, while not resorting to emotion as you constantly do. If it is reasonable to believe that the next Big East media agreement could fetch annual per school payouts approximating $8 million with the existing 11 members, then that's the bar. In its simplest form, there is no other way of looking at it, because any addition would have to either maintain that figure while adding other advantages or help increase that figure while adding obvious advantages.

- Dayton is a mid-major that is located in an unattractive city (big NIL money in Dayton; good one).
- Dayton has an undistinguished resume and a proven track record of being incapable of sustaining success.
- Dayton simply is not a strong brand on the national level.

Here's your real problem: Dayton is within 50 miles of a former rival that has no interest in saving you this time, like we did when we helped you crawl on your belly into the A10. Xavier holds a powerful advantage over UD due to its Big East membership. Creighton understands that. I assume Butler understands that. I believe it is safe to state that Xavier has no desire to give that up. On that note, it is obvious that all of this just isn't about sports. That's not good for you and VD.

I would think that fellow Big East members - at the Presidents and ADs' level - would respect the wishes of a fellow member who has a strong position on this particular issue. On the other hand, the membership collectively has to do what is right for the conference, given a specific scenario and set of circumstances.

So, there it is - I personally doubt that Dayton is worth the $8 million bar to Fox or any other media partner with which we'll hold discussions. Otherwise, if the Big East ever does end up in the position of having to consider VD, then the Big East is in trouble, or will have at least backed up in its performance and prestige.
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby Cheech » Thu Feb 23, 2023 2:55 pm

So XU door dash…rhe numbers don’t lie ..your a little regional school with a 200 mill Endowment. You were always second fiddle to Dayton in terms of academics etc. So the VD dump has hosted more NCAA tourney games than any other arena in the country and Dayton makes a nice check for it… your last NCAA game was…???? Oh you can’t host….the building that by the way you can’t sellout is too small and if you have ever been there your parking lot is a joke. Miller was FIRED by Arizona ..Oh your right how was he supposed to know his assistant who got kicked out of CBB was cheating… you had 4 lousy years panicked and hired Sean….I have no doubt that somehow he will get ya back to the tourney…wink….wink…For those of you not from Ohio….again just look at any National data on Dayton Vs’s an unfair fight…they are our little sister. Now they back in the day to there credit had a terrific AD who got then into the BIg East and kudos to him . Beat our guy to the punch. Doordash I don’t know why the angst… should be happy about BB and having Sean back …good little commuter school .
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby MUBoxer » Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:25 pm

For what it's worth Xavier's AD didn't beat you to the punch, Creighton did. Xavier was without a doubt the no 1A 1B 1C 2nd 3rd and 4th option when it came to who to include. After that Butler had a recent couple historic runs and at the time a future HoF coach. Creighton had the in with their former prez who was on the BoD at MU. So if you're mad at anybody it should be them... or us.

But also neither of you are elite schools the difference between 127 and 167 is minuscule and amounts to nothing when you see how many schools there are in the USA. Really there's Georgetown who's laughing at everyone, Nova who's pretty damn good and everyone else that's a mix of good schools trying to break into the top 100 (except us who's trying desperately to remain in the top 100) bragging about going to 127 vs 167 is the most real world example of small dick measuring contest I've ever seen.
Last edited by MUBoxer on Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Marquette 2013
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Re: Conference Realignment: What Next?

Postby Novachap » Thu Feb 23, 2023 3:41 pm

Cheech wrote:So XU door dash…rhe numbers don’t lie ..your a little regional school with a 200 mill Endowment. You were always second fiddle to Dayton in terms of academics etc. So the VD dump has hosted more NCAA tourney games than any other arena in the country and Dayton makes a nice check for it… your last NCAA game was…???? Oh you can’t host….the building that by the way you can’t sellout is too small and if you have ever been there your parking lot is a joke. Miller was FIRED by Arizona ..Oh your right how was he supposed to know his assistant who got kicked out of CBB was cheating… you had 4 lousy years panicked and hired Sean….I have no doubt that somehow he will get ya back to the tourney…wink….wink…For those of you not from Ohio….again just look at any National data on Dayton Vs’s an unfair fight…they are our little sister. Now they back in the day to there credit had a terrific AD who got then into the BIg East and kudos to him . Beat our guy to the punch. Doordash I don’t know why the angst… should be happy about BB and having Sean back …good little commuter school .

Dude, don't get into a logic based discussion with Dash... you are seriously outgunned. "Hosted the most NCAA games" Jesus, it's the friggin play games... nice little tradition and bone. So stop. Now I am an east coast guy, so I don't have as deep an understanding of the "rivalry" as you guys, but the comparison isn't even close from my perspective. And hey, your generational talent, I am a big fan... I have recently become a Knick fan and he comes off the bench, but you keep referencing the covid year, etc. You can't begin to guess how it would have turned out. Trust me, Nova was VERY disappointed that year. We were pretty good, but water under the bridge. Can't hang you hat on what ifs... results matter.
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