DudeAnon wrote:If you look at the list of schools with serious cheating scandals its almost a whos who of College basketball. UNC and Louisville pretty much ignored the rules altogether and both programs seem better off for it.
Certainly not. UCLA had Sam Gilbert paying players for years and all they ended up with were 10 national championships. No student at NC has gone to class since the Truman administration and all they have to show for it is 25 elite eight appearances. Kentucky has won eight national championships under such moral exemplars as Adolph Rupp (not a racist), Eddie Sutton (not a bag man), Rick Pitino (not a madame) and John Calipari (not a scum bag). Much better to play the game right and fail than cheat and succeed. As noted ethicist Rupert Pupkin noted, better schmuck for a lifetime than king for a day.