SJHooper wrote:Yup, I'm a regular Steve Bartman, folks. Let's just gang up on someone for doing something that many others themselves do on a regular basis. Kidding aside, many others were saying similar things, he just happened to reply to my post. Now, was it stupid of me to directly tweet at a recruit? Yeah, it was and I'm not going to do that anymore. I take responsibility for that. But you have to understand the context to understand what happened. Rumors were that it was down to UConn and SJ as a very close race. With that being known, he goes onto Instagram live and literally says he is "UConn bound". That is as black and white as it gets. How can that be taken any other way? My point is HE let the cat out of the bag himself. He probably did not realize so many people would see his comment and once it exploded on social media saying he is probably committing to UConn, he lashed out once fans reacted to what HE did. He is angry, because the incentive is now gone to tune in and see where he commits, since it's almost definitely UConn. You can say he's 18 and whatever but that was still not smart at all on his part. You don't let a secret out then get mad at people when they react to it. You just don't let it out to begin with. It's one thing if I was friends with the kid and I let the cat out of the bag, but it was him personally who did it to himself. 99% of recruits don't even reply to fans tweeting at them. The next thing that will happen is he will probably announce for UConn and SJ/Big East fans will act like I personally am the reason he did not choose SJ even though he clearly said he was "UConn bound" BEFORE any of this. But it will happen. I hope Wilson commits here, but I won't hold my breath and he is a cautionary tale for why you shouldn't reveal where you are going early if you want people to be in suspense upon your announcement. Looking back it was stupid of me to even tweet him at all and I'm finished directly tweeting them, but to act like he has zero responsibility for revealing it himself is also stupid. The 2 things I said were: "Have fun playing Tulane, etc." is that harassment? Pretty silly standard if you think so. You are acting as if it was some personal attack directed towards his family. I was referencing the conference differences between the AAC and Big East. The other thing I said was "What do you expect him to say?" after he tweeted out that he had not yet made a decision. What I said was nothing out of the ordinary from other fans. He is set to announce tomorrow at 6 PM. To make an entire thread about this is over the top...a poster on Redmen was even saying that every fanbase tweets at recruits. Relax.
I can't believe you came here to attempt to justify your behavior with this crappy post. You know what? I take that back. I can believe it. You've shown you're incredibly stupid.
So, because others do it, then it makes what you did not so bad, huh? Yeah, that's a way to shun personal responsibility. Even if Wilson supposedly announced for UCONN while playing around on Instagram, then that's his prerogative. This is only basketball! It's not life or death. It's a form of entertainment. Just because you have an infantile mind doesn't allow you to attempt to place blame on Wilson. If that's what he wanted to do, then so be it. Then again, just because he said or announced it on Instagram doesn't necessarily mean he was being serious. Maybe, he was having a little fun at someone else's expense (I didn't see the interview, but just going by what I was told). I also think it's creepy for anyone around the age of 21 and older to directly tweet recruits. It's a personal feeling, but there is something weird about doing it.
Yeah! Wilson should take responsibilty for your childish antics because he said, he was going to UCONN on Instagram. No, you're the stupid one. He doesn't have to answer to anyone for what he did. He seemed to get upset with you because you directly tweeted him and indirectly attacked him with the AAC and Big East difference. Once again, just because other people do it doesn't make you less responsible and foolish. It was a stupid move, and by you coming here to justify it in the manner you did makes you look even more moronic. I can't say I'm surprised.