Bluiett - Misdemeanor For Possession Of Pot In Indiana...
Posted: Tue Apr 11, 2017 7:39 am
Before all you Potheads get excited, 'No Big Deal everyone does it', this is illegal in Indiana. Period. Next question.
Doing 20+ over the speed limit,while toked up, is stupid.
Macura, Davis and now Bluiett, all in one year. Seems like Mack needs to get control of his players.
Before all you Potheads get excited, 'No Big Deal everyone does it', this is illegal in Indiana. Period. Next question.
Doing 20+ over the speed limit,while toked up, is stupid.
Macura, Davis and now Bluiett, all in one year. Seems like Mack needs to get control of his players.