DemonLS wrote:Do you think Fox Sports cares more about Chicago and New York or the little suburb called Milwaukee?
Yes, DePaul and St. John's need to get better QUICKLY. But this conference will NOT reach its potential until these 2 programs are successful.
So what if Marquette or Villanova do well individually? They will not drive this conference upward by themselves. Each school will do fine on their own but THAT IS NOT GOOD ENOUGH!
Trust me. Call Ackerman and Stu Jackson and ask them what this conference needs.
When it comes to media, there's NEW YORK and then there's the rest. It's not just eyeballs, it's the ability to latch onto the media's NY-centered herd mentality and become part of the national conversation.
Chicago may be more important than Milwaukee in media, but so what? Crowing about it is like Milwaukee trumpeting its media superiority to Omaha.