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$160 MM increase in spending for athletes in D-1 this year

PostPosted: Tue Aug 18, 2015 7:47 pm
by robinreed
USA Today has listed the D1 schools which have increased sports spending for their athletes this year by $160MM. I question some of the figures and several schools which announced what appears to be larger increases earlier this year are listed with smaller totals than their previous announcements would indicate.

All of the P5 and most of the G5 are listed along (except for some Sun Belt schools) with some of the A-10 and schools like Wichita State. I did not see any Big East schools listed. I am unsure if that is because they were not contacted or refused comment. Private schools like Notre Dame, Miami, Duke, BC and others did report their numbers.

This is the most comprehensive list, except for our conference, which I have seen. ... f6aNvn0l7g

Re: $160 MM increase in spending for athletes in D-1 this ye

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:19 pm
by robinreed
This has nothing to do with spending on athletes but I found this list of the MOST EXPENSIVE colleges by state interesting. Fortunately NONE of our schools are on the list. ... s-2015.png

XU looks downright inexpensive compared to several of the included schools.

Re: $160 MM increase in spending for athletes in D-1 this ye

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:41 pm
by robinreed
This listing from CBS is somewhat different than the above noted list from USA Today. It includes almost all of the football schools but few of the basketball (or non-football schools if you will.) Also it only includes COA whereas the USA Today list included other mandated cost increases. The fact that no BE school is in either list indicates to me that we were not ask to supply the information. Some private schools refused to give the information and it is duly noted in the second list. However the CBS article was written by Jon Solomon a football writer and he may simply have been interested only in football conferences. ... e-database