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Bluejay Banter Previews: Providence

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 4:54 pm
by OmahaGuy
Last night, the Bluejay Banter crew started its BigEast Previews and started with the Friars. Any PC fans (or anyone else) care to chime in thoughts?

Re: Bluejay Banter Previews: Providence

PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 5:49 pm
by stever20
always look at the schedule....

schedule has some real tough early games. Harvard is not the easiest opening game by any stretch. Illinois is tough(though did see they lost a guy for the season already). Wooden with Arizona and Michigan St in it seems like 2-1 almost best case scenario. Rhode Island probably has their best team in years. BC isn't all that great.

It's one where a lot of possible land mines, but I don't know how much reward they would get from the schedule- outside obviously Arizona and Michigan St.