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"Chicago Conundrum" Grantland article on DePaul & Northweste

PostPosted: Tue Jan 13, 2015 3:44 pm
by DudeAnon ... thwestern/

Pretty well written but it doesn't seem to offer much with regards to solutions.

Re: "Chicago Conundrum" Grantland article on DePaul & Northw

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 12:12 pm
by robinreed
You are correct the article is not very good at analysis and solutions however it is interesting. I believe the best solution for DePaul is a 12 to 15 K on campus arena. We both know that will not happen however at least the proposed off campus arena will be a good temporary solution.

I remember as a 13 year old going to Chicago for Saturday night double headers. It was a long drive (300 miles) from Cincinnati but we did it at least once per year because my father and uncle were basketball fanatics. Depaul and Lyola were usually playing teams like Marquette or St. Louis and the arena was packed and the crowd charged. Indeed the ambiance was electric. I am sorry you folks lost that because it was truly extraordinary. Once an experience like that is lost it is very difficult to regain. Indeed that may be part of DePaul's problem. They were at one time amongst the greats and now have fallen into the depths. It is a shame and I hope you can find your way out of the basketball wasteland.

Re: "Chicago Conundrum" Grantland article on DePaul & Northw

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 1:22 pm
by Hall2012
It's pretty much identical to the scores of articles I've read about the also very fertile New York/New Jersey recruiting grounds and the inabilities of St. John's, Seton Hall, and Rutgers to keep those kids home. The Big East has a huge opportunity with 3 teams (St. John's, Seton Hall, DePaul) between 2 of the nations top talent producing areas, but they need to start keeping these kids home. We need to shove the Big East down their throats. And for the kids that really just don't want to stay home, get them to other Big East schools where the can at least have a chance to play in front of friends and family once a year.

Re: "Chicago Conundrum" Grantland article on DePaul & Northw

PostPosted: Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:56 pm
by Doge McDermott
Huh. I went to high school with the writer. Good guy, Michigan grad, I think. He's got some other great stuff on Deadspin. He had a fantastic article about the Jackie Robinson West Little League a couple years ago that got dug up last summer. Doesn't seem to specialize on one sport, but focuses on more longform stuff.

That being said, I kinda wish it was less of a driveby. I don't think it highlights how embarrassing the local schools have been in recruiting Chicago. Doster totally ignored UofIllinois' failure to recruit Chicago. They constantly let five stars leave the state for better programs. For how good the city is in high school hoops, every team in the state is absolutely dreadful. I don't think one team from Illinois made it to the tournament last year. Honestly, DePaul does have an opportunity here, in that no one else has a "Good" local program. However, they're up against Duke, and their continued success, almost everywhere they go.

It was pointed out at night's DePaul-Georgetown game had three Whitney Young grads on the court at the same time. That's insane.

EDIT - Looks like he does college basketball for Grantland. Specifically for the Midwest.

Re: "Chicago Conundrum" Grantland article on DePaul & Northw

PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 8:09 am
by butlerguy03
It's similar to the problem Butler has had recently, by letting guys like Bluiett get away. If each of our schools would hold down our local area kids, this would be one hell of a conference. The only real exception is Omaha - but maybe they could raid KC & STL?