I am back from my meal and visit to the park to watch knothole baseball and have tried to find current info on NCAA basketball finances. It is more difficult than I imagined. The NCAA website only gives info to 2012 and nothing since. There is a circa 100 page report which on page 75 gives information on non-football schools revenue for basketball. This information would be of very little use since we did not exist as a non football conference at that time. The information is divided into 3 headings; FBS, FCS and Non-Football schools.
On non-football schools the median income for non football division one schools is $3915,000 and revenue minus expenses (loss) is $60,000 per school. I strongly suspect our schools made a fairly good profit each however because 2012 is the most recent information release there is no way of knowing.
I invite someone more dedicated to and competent with stats than I to look over the report and try to determine if it has any pertinent information. The NCAA website is
http://www.ncaapublications.com/product ... RevExp.pdfThe one thing that is depressing is how much was spent on sports and how little was made from them. True they have other value and can be a great advert for the school, but the idea of profit from sports seems limited to Texas, Ohio State, Michigan, Alabama and others like them. How can Breitbart claim to have 2014 stats when the NCAA does not have stats past 2012?
One other cautionary statement would be if non-football schools in 2012 averaged a small loss what happens if the NLRB ruling for private schools is upheld by the courts? With all the increases in full cost of scholarship, for life health insurance, additional food costs and a payroll for the students we will need to go to Fox as humble supplicants and beg for additional monies.