by billyjack » Tue Apr 01, 2014 11:30 am
Even with success at MU, I don't necessarily see him returning to Duke as head coach when K retires. There are enough other guys in the Duke coaching tree that could be hired... Amaker, Collins, Capel, Dawkins. No reason to think that this won't be a long term hire.
I'm liking this choice a lot the more I think of it. Youth, energy, a pinch of obnoxiousness and enough personality that will create fan interest.
Meanwhile, what's going on with Boston College...? Reports say that Amaker is out, Hopkins is out, Schmidt at St Bona is out. Right now, Skerry of Towson (good potential) and Jim Christian (Ohio U? is this the URI/ TCU/ Kent State guy?)... their list is shrinking.