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yll finish in 10th place this basketball season?

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:11 am
by OmahaGuy
Had to chose Seton Hall just slightly over (or in this case under) St. John's. Pirates under Willard don't exactly finish with a bang.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 12:47 am
by NJRedman
DePaul needs to prove they aren't the worst.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 9:29 am
by ivet
NJRedman wrote:DePaul needs to prove they aren't the worst.

Uhh, didn't they prove they weren't the worst last year? When we did this last year they were voted last place as well. Too bad the last part of the season the players gave up after finding out OP was done once the season was over.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:36 am
by hoyahooligan
Missed this poll. Damn Medical school!

I don't get the hate on DePaul. People do know they didn't finish last last year right? Cause it sure seems like people don't know they finished 7th last year.

They finished ahead of Creighton, Marquette, and Seton Hall (technically tied, but they beat seton hall twice and got the 7 seed).

I'd probably vote St. John's last, but not sure why DePaul is being picked behind Seton Hall who they were better than last year and Seton Hall lost a fair bit from last year with out adding much.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:44 am
by MUBoxer
hoyahooligan wrote:Missed this poll. Damn Medical school!

I don't get the hate on DePaul. People do know they didn't finish last last year right? Cause it sure seems like people don't know they finished 7th last year.

They finished ahead of Creighton, Marquette, and Seton Hall (technically tied, but they beat seton hall twice and got the 7 seed).

I'd probably vote St. John's last, but not sure why DePaul is being picked behind Seton Hall who they were better than last year and Seton Hall lost a fair bit from last year with out adding much.

I think it has to do with the coaching hire. Dave Letaeo (spelling?) is average at best. Two NITs and an NCAA at DePaul and an NIT and NCAA at Virginia before ranking there. Likely SJU will finish last but I voted DePaul simply because I believe mullin will be a better coach.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 9:48 am
by stever20
MUBoxer wrote:
hoyahooligan wrote:Missed this poll. Damn Medical school!

I don't get the hate on DePaul. People do know they didn't finish last last year right? Cause it sure seems like people don't know they finished 7th last year.

They finished ahead of Creighton, Marquette, and Seton Hall (technically tied, but they beat seton hall twice and got the 7 seed).

I'd probably vote St. John's last, but not sure why DePaul is being picked behind Seton Hall who they were better than last year and Seton Hall lost a fair bit from last year with out adding much.

I think it has to do with the coaching hire. Dave Letaeo (spelling?) is average at best. Two NITs and an NCAA at DePaul and an NIT and NCAA at Virginia before ranking there. Likely SJU will finish last but I voted DePaul simply because I believe mullin will be a better coach.

He had 2 NIT's and a NCAA at DePaul in 3 years. Willard at Seton Hall has had 1 NIT in 5 years.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:33 pm
by marquette
hoyahooligan wrote:Missed this poll. Damn Medical school!

I don't get the hate on DePaul. People do know they didn't finish last last year right? Cause it sure seems like people don't know they finished 7th last year.

They finished ahead of Creighton, Marquette, and Seton Hall (technically tied, but they beat seton hall twice and got the 7 seed).

I'd probably vote St. John's last, but not sure why DePaul is being picked behind Seton Hall who they were better than last year and Seton Hall lost a fair bit from last year with out adding much.

Well, a program with a new coach that hasn't had much recent success is probably going to have something to prove. If DePaul's high water mark is "didn't come in last" in a year when both Marquette and Creighton were bad on a level not seen in 20 years, then they still have a lot of work to do. Maybe they don't come in last this year, but it feels like the "safe pick," if you will.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 12:45 pm
by BEhomer
interesting. 0 vote for marquette. only team with 0 vote to not make the tourney last year. I see alot of respect for their freshmen class.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 1:31 pm
by GoldenWarrior11
I voted for DePaul because they had the fewest victories of any Big East team over the past two years. They have no impact freshman, and, other than Billy Garrett, have no special players that can take over a game. Purnell left an absolute mess, and Leitao cannot turn that around in one season.

Rumor I heard with the Leitao hire was that the athletic department wanted a head coach that would keep Garrett Sr. on staff - to ensure Garrett wouldn't transfer out. If that doesn't reek of disfunction, I don't know what is.

Re: Which team will finish in 10th place this basketball sea

PostPosted: Fri Sep 18, 2015 2:54 pm
by Rum_Ham
I went with St Johns, not because i think Mullin wouldn't be a good coach but they are extremely young and are almost a completely new team. I actually think Depaul will be halfway decent this year they have two potential all big east players in Garrett and Henry. I questioned the Leitao hire but he can't be worse than Purnell right?