by robinreed » Tue Nov 18, 2014 6:51 pm
Dash and Denizen,
I don't want to interfere in your discussion however A few years ago I read that both Ohio State and U of Texas actually contribute some of their surplus in sports to pay for scholarships for financially needy and handicapped students. It would be great if we all could do this. I would also like to see universities pay to help war vets from Iraq and other recent conflicts complete college. Of course they have government grants but they do not pay the full amount.
There was also an article posted on one of the sports sites in September which stated that a SEC school had determined that the full cost of attendance would be an additional $10,250 per sports scholarship. This particular school (I did not save the article) had over 300 students playing sports on scholarship. This will be over 3 million in additional costs for these large schools. It could be over 1 million for each of our members if true.